
Qiota allow you to track users behavior with paywall. With the help of Qiota dataLayer, you can push events in your analytics tool (with the help of a Tag Management system or not) and add custom dimensions/parameters in your event with Qiota variables.

This methodology works with all analytics tools (Google Analytics, Piano Analytics, Matomo…)

Tracking Paywall Load

On every paywall load, you will find a push dataLayer “q_paywall_loaded” which allow you to track every Qiota paywall loads, with the following values : 

  • “q_id_scenario” : ID of the paywall

    • Example : 84

  • q_name_paywall” : Name of the paywall that you add in Qiota Dashboard

    • Example : “Paywall Offer 1€”

  • q_name_scenario” : Indicates the name given to the segment to which the paywall belongs

    • Example : “Occasional Users” 

Tracking Paywall Clicks 

Qiota paywalls are fully customizable, so Qiota is not able natively to identify the type of clicks on the paywall (subscription, login, register, viewpay…). For example, you can have different clicks types on a same paywall : user can click on a “Subscribe” CTA or click on the “Login” CTA. 

To track paywall clicks, you can use two methods : 

Solution 1 : Add push dataLayer in Qiota Dashboard (recommanded) : 

  • Go in Qiota Dashboard, in the paywall overview, and choose the paywall you want to edit. 

  • Go in paywall personnalisation, and edit HTML code. 

  • Identify the CTA you want to track in the code

  • Add the following code in the <a> element, and change “q_click_type” value with the differents CTA (you can choose the value) :  

onclick="dataLayer.push({'event': 'q_paywall_click','q_click_type': 'click_subscription_paywall'});" 
  • Then, you can use this dataLayer event “q_paywall_click” to track clicks with your analytics tools.

Solution 2 :CSS Selector  

  • In your Tag Management System, implement trigger rules for each click type. 

  • For example if your subscription page have a identifiable URL, you can use Click URL that contains “” to identify clicks on subscription CTA.

  • Then, use this trigger for you analytics event tag.

If you choose Solution 1 or Solution 2, you can also add to your analytics event the custom dimensions/parameter that are available on the dataLayer of the ”q_paywall_loaded” (q_id_scenario, q_name_paywall, q_name_scenario). 


Conversion TAG

In order to be able to consolidate the statistics during the paywall conversion tunnel, you must integrate the getQiota.js script into your ecommerce and call the  sendQiotaStats() method only after the payment has been successfully completed. See below. 


The system qiota at the click of a user records a fingerprint rating server for a period of 1 hour. The s endQiotaStats()  method checks for the presence of this fingerprint and stores the information in the database. 


Only the  Token  parameter is required, but for better statistics analysis we recommend to map all the variables of the method. 

<script src= "" ></script> 
<script  type = "text/javascript" >
var   q_token   =   " YourToken";  // required
var   q_amount   =   990 ;  //in euro cents required
var   q_user_id   =   1100 ;  // your id user
var   q_order_id   =  "AA22SS" ;  // your id Order
var   q_type_product   =   0;  // 1 : Subscription by month , 0 : direct sell
var   q_type_payment   =  "CB"  ;  // CB, VISA, MASTERCARD, PAYPAL, SEPA

sendQiotaStats( q_token ); 

< / script>