Qiota provides a js events to know if the execution processing is finished and also if the paywall has been displayed on the site
q_qiotaComplete : triggered at the end of processing, with a boolean q_paywallDisplayed to know if the paywall is displayed or not
Example of use
document.addEventListener('q_qiotaComplete', function (event) { // processing at the end of setupQiota() if (event.q_paywallDisplayed) { // processing if the paywall displayed } });
Event Qualifio completed : Code for listening to the qualification event (triggered once the Qualifio process is completed)
document.addEventListener('q_qualifio_completed', function (e) { console.log('Qualifio is completed and OK'); });
Event Newsletter completed : Code for listening to the newsletter event (triggered once subscription to the newsletter is completed and successful):
document.addEventListener('q_newsletter_subscribed', function (e) { console.log('Newsletter is completed and OK'); });
Event ViewPay completed : Code for listening to the viewpay event (triggered once video ads of viewpay is completed and successful):
document.addEventListener('q_qiotaViewpayComplete', function (e) { console.log('ViewPay is completed and OK'); });